3 Uses: Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity

encylopedia of ancient

We loved the Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity so much, that we were the first to release it in digital format!

This three-volume encyclopedia offers unparalleled, comprehensive coverage of the people, places and ideas of ancient Christianity. With our app, you can access eight centuries of the Christian church no matter where you are.

Here are three ways to use the Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity in the Olive Tree Bible App!

FIRST: Use the Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity in the Study Center.

Open your favorite Bible translation in the main window and the Resource Guide in the Study Center.  As you read through your Bible text, the Resource Guide searches through all the downloaded resources in your library to find related Bible study content.

You’ll notice that the Resource Guide pulls related content from all of your downloaded resources.  If you scroll down the Resource Guide results, you will see the section headings “People,” “Places,” and “Topics.”  These headings give you the results of articles based on your downloaded resources.

Olive Tree Bible App open to resource guide

Select the person, place, or topic you want to learn more about. I chose “Anointing” in this example.  The app then brings you results from within the resources you have on your device.  This is where you will find the Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity within the Resource Guide.

Olive Tree Bible App open to articles on anointing

You’ll notice that the resource has the words “Article on Anointing” underneath the book cover.  Select the book cover and you’ll see an article within the Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity. As you are reading the article, any Scripture references become hyperlinks that you can view in a pop-out window.

App open to Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity with pop-up window containing verse reference

SECOND: Use the Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity as a traditional dictionary.

Open the encyclocpedia in the main window and tap the “Go-To” button. Then, scroll through this awesome resource as you would a hard-copy dictionary.  For faster results, search for the term you are looking for.

Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity searchable dictionary open

Third: Use the Lookup feature.

Tap and hold a word in the Bible text and a menu will appear.  Then, tap “Lookup” and you’ll see articles from related resources.

Olive tree Bible App open to Numbers 6
Olive Tree Bible App look up for articles, showing Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity

If you’re on an iOS device, you can also tap the verse number and a menu bar will appear.  Tap “Study” and you will get hits from your resources on that specific verse.  Then just follow the same steps as you would in the resource guide option.

Searching anointing articles in Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity

The Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity covers eight centuries of the Christian church and comprises 3,220 entries by a team of 266 scholars.  Using the app’s lookup feature makes this a great companion tool for many other resources.

You can even use the lookup feature when you’ve got ta different resource in the Study Center:

Searching for Sinai articles in Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity

Any resource you have in the app can utilize the content in the Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity! Who else has this resource and loves it?

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