Look Inside: LifeConnect Study Bible

How do we move from reading the Bible to applying it to our lives?  For many, the idea of “studying” the Bible is overwhelming and questions soon follow: What commentary should I use? Do I need to know Greek or Hebrew to really understand Scripture? Does it take college-level training to understand Scripture? For the vast majority of Christians, these things aren’t necessary. Most of what is necessary to know God is simple to understand in a normal reading of the Bible, regardless of our education. This is where an easy-to-use tool like the LifeConnect Study Bible Notes comes in!

I recommend the LifeConnect Study Bible Notes as a companion to learning to apply the word of God to our lives because of the simple S.O.A.P. method that it uses. Pastor Wayne Cordeiro believes it shouldn’t be so hard to apply Scripture, and he provides simple-to-understand examples of this method that has us read Scripture, make Observations about the text, consider Applications to personal challenges we see in the Scripture, and finally Pray for God’s help in applying the Scripture to our lives.

With the Olive Tree Bible App, the S.O.A.P. method can be applied to any verse or part of a verse by creating a note for that verse. I will use Ephesians 4:29 as an example of using this method. I first highlight the verse by touching number 29 and selecting Highlight. Then I copy the verse by tapping the verse number again and selecting Copy. Finally, I make a new note, again by touching the number 29 and tapping Note. When the note is open, I paste the copied verse by holding down my finger in the text box and tapping Paste.  I add the S: before the verse section, then the O, A, and P on new lines before I add my thoughts. I often choose specific words or phrases from the Scripture that are meaningful to me at the time.

Here are the results:

Lifeconnect Study Bible 2


S: Let no corrupt word proceed out …
but what is good
for necessary edification
… impart grace to the hearers.

O: Context Eph. 4:20-32 Put off the old Put on the New
Let no – this means it is my responsibility to not talk or act out of my old ways. I may need the Holy Spirit’s help but God expects me to stop the wrong action before it comes out.
No heat of the moment emotion justifies letting the old self out. It is opposite of good and tears down rather than edifies (builds up).
The verse doesn’t say to immediately follow up not speaking ill with speaking good. I may need to walk away, pray, think it through, or even come back another day to be able to speak good and edifying words, once my way of thinking is more like that of Christ. It needs to be full of grace, the same grace I receive from Christ.

A: This has implications throughout my life. With my spouse, my children, my extended family and friends, with co-workers and supervisors, and with strangers driving cars in ways I don’t appreciate.

P: Lord this seems so overwhelming to me but neither Paul nor you expect it to be that way. My hope is in the working of the Holy Spirit that assists me in putting to death the deeds of the flesh and allowing Christ to be glorified though my putting on the renewed nature. Help me to stop before my thoughts become words or actions. Help me to anticipate your love flowing through me until I can see ways of building up and giving grace to those you put in my life.
Along with the 70+ S.O.A.P. notes from Wayne Cordeiro that can be used both as short devotionals and as examples of this method, the LifeConnect Study Bible Notes also include:

Lifeconnect Study Bible
  • Over 50 articles that bring truths to life written by Wayne Cordeiro
  • Introductions to each book of the Bible, which includes timelines, and outlines of the book
  • Thousands of verse by verse notes providing background to Scripture
  • Insightful quotes for reflection
  • Maps related to various time periods of the Scriptures.

These resources can be found through the table of contents in the LifeConnect Study Bible Notes and by using the Resource Guide as you read through your Bible on your own.

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