Look Inside: New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Typically, finding cross-references require a lot of page-flipping and sticking your thumb in your Bible to hold your place. But, with the New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (NTSK) in the app, all you do is tap a few times. You can read verses that relate to the passage you’re on without leaving the passage. This is the way things were meant to be.


The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge is a revised and expanded edition of the original TSK. It adds over 100,000 new cross-references, and supplies many more key words to the Bible text, making this the most complete collection of biblical cross-references ever published. Using it with the Olive Tree Bible App you’ll save tons of time and effort.  No longer do you have to leave your original text to search for a reference.


One of the best ways to understand a resource is to read what the publisher and/or author have to say. Here’s what we found from the publisher inside:

An incredible 1-volume Bible reference library, The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge is a unique resource for Bible study, teaching, or preaching. Dozens of special study aids help you develop powerful lessons or sermons – straight from the Bible itself! No other tool better helps you interpret Scripture with Scripture. Unlike any tool you’ve ever seen – loaded with helps not available anywhere else.

More flexible than a concordance, more thorough than a topical Bible, more discovery-oriented than a commentary, The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge opens windows, doors, and connecting passageways into every fascinating book of the Bible. Whether you have minutes to prepare a devotional or hours to devote to in-depth study, The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge maximizes your study of God’s word.


In this blog I”ll demonstrate how to use it with the Olive Tree Bible App running on an iPad.

First, select your preferred Bible translation in the main window. Then tap and drag the split window to access the Resource Guide in the app. The Resource Guide takes your downloaded material and connects it with the text you have open in the main window.

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Under the ‘Related Verses’ section you’ll see resources listed along with a number badge. The number indicates how many entries there are in that resource for the text that is open in the main window. Since I have the New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge installed, the app has found cross references relevant to the passage in 1 Corinthians that I’m reading. I can then tap on the  New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge to see all six entries that are indicated.

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The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge organizes these cross references by topic and by verse making it easy to do further study on the particular themes found in 1 Corinthians 13.

I can then tap the reference in the New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge and view it as a popup, or even split it out into a new window without leaving my original text.  This feature alone saves me valuable time that I’d otherwise spend flipping back and forth between references.

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As you can see, having the New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge  in the Olive Tree Bible App will help you broaden your biblical understanding of specific themes and enable you to quickly study large portions of scripture.

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