Our office is in the Pacific-Northwest, which means we definitely understand the excitement of summer. For months, we crave the sun. Then finally, one June afternoon, the clouds finally break and our vitamin D deficiencies diminish. Everyone makes getting outside a priority, and that means other priorities fall to the wayside (like reading the Bible!). But this summer, we are determined for things to be different. This time, we are going to study through the summer.
Are you?
How can we keep from making the same mistakes from past summers?
#1 Remember You Can Use the App Anywhere
First, it goes without saying that this summer will probably look different than last summer. Social distancing may mean you’re more focused on getting away from people in the great outdoors instead of traveling the world or visiting loved ones. But you should know that no matter where you go, you can easily take your Bible study WITH YOU.
Unlike other Bible apps, you don’t need an Internet connection to use your audio Bibles, commentaries, etc in the Olive Tree Bible App.
If you haven’t tested this out, here’s a challenge for you. This summer, make it a goal to study God’s Word in new places. Here are some ideas:
- a quiet spot in your local park
- on a mountain
- at a secluded beach
- in the car (use audio books and Bibles in drive mode!)
Watch this!
#2 Stock Up on Audio Books and Audio Bibles
We love reading. We think everyone should be reading the Bible. But we also know that it can be a challenge to sit down and read during some seasons of life. But with audio books and audio Bibles, you don’t need your eyes and hands — just your ears.
So, while it may be new and different for you to listen to an audio Bible, we think it’s worth trying. Push yourself to turn on the audio Bible instead of music on your commute. Get the family involved by listening to the audio Bible while you drive the kids to camp or swim lessons. Sit around the camp fire (remember, no Internet needed!) and hear God’s Word read aloud. How many ways can you think incorporating the Bible into your daily routine?
The possibilities are nearly endless. It’s the easiest way to study through the summer.

#3 Get Accountability with Reading Plans
We have loads of reading plans in the app. If you’ve never done a reading plan, a 5-day one is a great place to start. We even have reading plans that last a year or more!
The perennial struggle of reading plans is remembering to actually read. And maybe you’ve asked a person to keep you accountable… but people often need accountability for keeping others accountable—if you catch our drift. People are forgetful!
So we’ve come up with a solution.
Did you know you can schedule custom goals and notifications for your reading plans? Our app won’t forget to hold you accountable. So set up those goals and notifications. You’ll be well on your way to study through the summer.

Start Studying Through the Summer!
Don’t wait for tomorrow, the start of next week, or the beginning of a new month. Start studying today by opening the Olive Tree Bible App and implementing one of our suggestions.
If you find yourself using the app to study the Bible in a unique place this summer, we’d love for you to tag us in your social media posts! If we see your post, we’ll most likely share it on our own channels.
And if you have any neat stories to share of ways you’ve used these suggestions to get into the Word more, leave a comment. We love passing those around the office.
Happy studying!