He Is Risen

Fully God and fully man.

For over 30 years Jesus lived as a man. Yet, in the few years leading up to his death on a cross, it became clear that he was no ordinary man. What man could do these type of things?

  • End a storm with his words
  • Multiply food
  • Heal those who couldn’t walk, see, or talk
  • Walk on water
  • Raise the dead

His miracles were always clues that this Jesus was more than a man.


Another astonishing clue to his divinity was that he was sinless. Tempted? Yes. But he had never given into that temptation. Sinless?! That fact alone seems to be impossible when we consider the world around us.

From the beginning of time, until that moment on the cross, no one successfully lived a sinless life. And like some sort of science fiction movie, when Jesus breathed his last breath as man, something unseen shattered. The power of the unseen was so great that the physical world manifested it by sudden darkness and trembling. At that moment, the sacrifice made by a sinless man would forever change destiny.

The proof of this change? Our celebration says it all. Jesus followers initially had no idea what we know and celebrate today. Jesus had actually won! Three days later they would find this out when the man they thought dead would appear. And, in so doing, he confirmed that he was no ordinary man.

He is God who came near (Immanuel) to change the course of history. And it’s His Story that we celebrate today. So when we say ‘He is Risen’ it’s not just a statement of a past event. It is a declaration of a current reality.

“He is risen” means:

  • We are forgiven
  • Belonging to Jesus we are not bound by sin
  • Our today is part of our eternity with the creator God
  • Our identity is secure as his sons and daughters

Then, after the cross and resurrection, Jesus says to his followers:

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” —Matthew 19-20

He is Risen!

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