Look Inside: NKJV Study Bible Full Color Edition

Read this post to get a sneak peek into the NKJV Study Bible in Full Color. It’s packed full of helpful articles, maps, and more.


Typically, study Bibles are known simply for their short comments in the footnotes—but the NKJV Study Bible in Full Color comes with much more than that. Let’s take a look at all the contents by type:


When looking at the contents list, you’ll see a section called “List of Articles.” These titles are hyperlinked, and tapping on one will take you directly to the article in the study Bible. As an example, there are 9 articles listed for the book of Psalms, covering topics like Image of God, Royal Psalms, and The Sanctity of Life.

This study Bible also provides a short article titled, “How to Understand What the Bible Means by What It Says,” along with a preface to the NKJV. Additionally, you can quickly navigate to hyperlinked lists of Teachings & Illustrations of Christ, Prophecies of the Messiah Fulfilled in Jesus Christ, parables, miracles, prayers of the Bible, a concordance and more.

Just when you think you’ve seen all the study Bible has to offer, there’s more for you to discover. The best part? It’s all easily accessible and organized, getting you where you want without turning a page.


Under the “Charts and Diagrams” section, you can quickly find all the helpful visual aids inside the study Bible. For instance, under 1 Kings, there is a visual representation of Solomon’s Temple. Here’s what happens when you tap:

There are also plenty of charts and timelines, helping you grasp the historical events of the Bible.


There are four ways to view maps in this resource.

ONE: Maps will appear as you are working your way through the notes. If there is an applicable map, you’re sure to stumble upon it.

But if you are wanting a specific map, here’s how you find it:

TWO: View the contents of the study Bible and tap on “List of In-Text Maps.” Here you will be able to tap on hyperlinked map names in order to quickly navigate to the map in-context of the passage.

THREE: Know the place you’re trying to find? Navigate to the Map Index. Places are arranged alphabetically. Just tap to see a map!

FOUR: Select “Nelson’s Full Color Maps” at the bottom of the list of contents. Here you will find maps which are typically discovered in the back of a Bible. Tap and zoom to enlarge the map!


While you’re reading the Bible, the NKJV Study Bible in Full Color will occasionally provide you with a word study using Strong’s numbers. This is a very helpful tool for making sure you are interpreting a passage correctly.

To see a list of all the word studies, tap on “List of Word Studies” in the table of contents. Here’s what we found on “mighty men” in 2 Samuel!


Each book of the Bible comes with an introduction. It provides you with important background information, timelines, description of the author and how the book was composed, and any other historical information you may need.


Last, but not least, there are over 15,000 notes in this study Bible. You’re going to learn so much while reading the Bible with this resource. And if you have a question on a topic, check out the List of Bible Times and Culture Notes. You might be able to find some answers without digging through the entire Bible first.


In case you haven’t used the Olive Tree Bible App very much, we’ll give you a brief description of how the Study Center works in the app.

When you purchase the NKJV Study Bible in Full Color, you are actually receiving TWO resources: the NKJV Bible and the notes. You can have any translation of the Bible open in the main window while using the notes in the Study Center,

Best of all, the Resource Guide always knows when you have a resource that discusses the passage you are reading. So, when you’re studying the Bible, just tap on study Bible in the split-window, and it will follow along with you.


Whether you just started studying the Bible, or have been an avid reader for decades, you will always be in need of direction and guidance. There’s so much to learn about the Bible, and we have to be careful to turn to the right resources for information on our faith! Looking to the wrong places (or not looking for outside help at all) can have detrimental consequences.

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