What is Advent?

If you would have said the word ‘Advent’ to me when I was a kid, my first thought would have been some sort of calendar. Specially, the one with doors and candy, and found in my friends’ homes. Advent – in any form – was not a part of my family tradition. When my wife and I married, we were a part of a church that did Advent readings and candle lighting.

I began to explore the tradition more fully. Over time, I grew to really appreciate the Biblical context it brought to the Christmas season.

Now, we have made Advent one of the ways that our family seeks to keep the focus on Jesus during the Christmas season. In a culture that makes Christmas about gifts, we have found Advent readings and times of reflection as a family to be a beautiful centerpiece of the way we celebrate.

What is Advent?

Maybe like me your understanding of this season was limited or non-existent and you’re just wondering what it is.  Advent comes from the Latin word adventus. It means “coming” or “arrival.” For Christians it is the time of year when we specifically look to the coming of Jesus Christ, first in his coming to bring our salvation and then his subsequent return to reign in glory. This season begins four Sundays before December 25, so the start date varies from year to year. This year Advent begins Sunday, December 2. For four weeks, the idea is to meditate on Christ’s coming. This is much like God’s people waiting the thousands of years for him to arrive.

Advent Reading

If you are looking for a way to personally observe Advent we have created a reading plan! Starting on December 2, this plan will guide you through 23 days of select scripture that will end on Christmas Eve.

Additional Christmas Season Resources

If you’re looking for further Advent resources such as devotionals, study guides, or eBooks here are few that can be used in the Olive Tree Bible App.

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