Have you ever heard of the Serendipity Study Bible? Over 40 years of planning and writing led to the creation of that study Bible, complete with thousands of questions for small groups and personal study. Now revised and updated, you can get the Serendipity Study Bible under a new name: the CSB Life Connections Study Bible.
We’re excited to make this study Bible available. It once impacted so many lives, and we’re sure it will continue to impact many more! So, join us in taking a look inside the CSB Life Connections Study Bible. You may find it helpful for either your study, or someone you love.
Make Connections, Wherever You Are

A note for those who have never used a study Bible in the app:
In case you’re unfamiliar, here is a little run-down on study Bibles through Olive Tree. When you buy a study Bible, you download it to your device. So, no matter where you are, access to an Internet connection or not, you can use the app. This is useful for those who hike off the grid, travel around the world, or even just meet in a church basement.
Second, you never buy a study Bible and then become responsible for knowing everything that is in it before you can use it. How could you be expected to know that this obscure Zechariah passage your pastor is preaching on is covered somewhere in your 2,000-page book? So, when you open up to a Bible passage in the main window, we show you a list of all the relatable notes you have. Look at the image above as an example.
Life Connections Study Bible: Notes

There are lots of notes in this study Bible! It doesn’t cover every verse, like a commentary would, but it’s the next best thing. Some study Bibles are more skimpy on their notes and beef up their other content. But, after 40 years of work, you better believe this study Bible has a lot of notes!
All verse references in the notes are hyperlinked. You can tap on them and read the passage in a small pop-up window. So, that reference to Acts 13:2 in the first note in the image above? You don’t need to turn in your Bible to Acts to read it. Just tap. Read. Keep going about your study. It’s that simple.
Life Connections Study Bible: Questions
The CSB Life Connections Study Bible includes thousands of questions and study helps for all 1,189 chapters of the Bible. The questions follow this pattern: open, consider, apply. Also included are select “For Groups,” “For Worship,” and “Dig Deeper” questions for further study, reflection, discussion, and application.

Here are some more examples:

Life Connections Study Bible: Additional Study Helps

By tapping on the green bar at the top of the app, you can open the table of contents. If you see a grid instead, no worries, tap on the gear icon in the top-right to switch to list view.
In this view you can select additional material in the study Bible. We’ve taken screen shots for you.

The topical study courses give you 7 and 13-week reading plans. You can read the scripture they provide, and then follow up with the questions for the chapter in your notes.

Trying to remember a story in the Bible you haven’t read in awhile? Scan these lists to find what you’re looking for! Or, use these to jump start your lesson planning for small group or Sunday school.

Lastly, there’s a concordance in the back of the CSB Life Connections Study Bible!